Mid-August Status Report

All is well. The recent slowdown on updates has been because I moved. I am now in a better place when it comes to street noise and interruptions. I am not yet in my new place, but I am in a place where I can both record and write, so I am doing so.

Because writing was slowed by the long trip, I have been re-recording old files. The agenda for the immediate future is Pointed, Goblin Girl - Pay The Toll, and Psychic Control. I'll just keep randomly flicking through old scripts for a while and retouching then re-recording them and posting the results, but I am writing things at the same time.

The Patreon is doing great and I will be able to keep producing work now including sending out customs this week.

Thanks to everyone who has been supportive and helpful.

If this level of pledge support clears from backers this month, I will be able to revamp site navigation and begin including links to scripts on future file releases.