Nnno Really

A 'no nut november' special, drawing on themes from Eternal Limpness, Hands Off! and others. The concept: cumming is fine! But you have to edge first. And you can only edge while in trance. And wouldn't timing your climax to the best part of the file be best? But if not, just stay in trance after the hypno ends, and keep jerking. Or make a playlist. Try to edge outside trance and you'll end up dropping.

Attached, along with the sample, is an induction and an awakener which can be placed on files as modular additions to ANY hypnotic playlist, to make jerking off and remembering to edge during trance, more memorable and encouraged even if a file implies or induces stillness. Jerk Awake is an awakener, and the whole experience can begin at Hypnotic Jerk Induction.

There are some other little tricks and twists, and this IS a chastity file - the result might be that you have more trouble cumming, but that's intended. Think of, and follow, the instructions carefully.

30 Minutes
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